Tilford Yard to Howells

From Tilford (MP 4.9), start of Three Main Tracks, CTC, ABS, maximum speed 30 mph on Track 1, 20 mph on Track 2 and 10 mph on Track 3, the line heads east, with Tilford Yard on both side, past crossovers at Pine Street (MP 4.7), turning south, past the connections on the east side to the line to South Bellwood and the former Atlanta, Birmingham, & Coast, to Top of Slide (MP 3.8), where Track 3 ends as that line departs down The Slide, connectors trail back in on the east side at MP 3.7, and a crossover at MP 3.0 , the Two Main Tracks, maximum speed 25 mph, turn just south of due east, passing above Tunnel 1 through which the former AB&C passes, and running along the north side of the Southern Main Line to the flat crossing with that NS line at Howell Tower (MP 2.9), where connectors turn north to meet with a former Seaboard Air Line track from Howells Yard, another connector from which trails in from the north, and turning south-southeast, along the east side of an NS track, to the flat crossing with the east leg of the NS wye at Tenth Street (MP 2.7), where the maximum speed rises to 30 mph.