Holliday to Kansas City (Santa Fe Junction)

The main line at this point has a speed limit of 70 mph, Three Main Tracks, CTC, coming in from the west-southwest expanding to Four Main Tracks, CTC, east of the junction. Two of the tracks are at a slightly higher elevation than the other pair on their north side. There are dual road bridges overhead, crossovers at Morris (MP 11.0), and a bridge over a stream as the line gently curves towards the northeast, following the south bank of the Kansas River, a dirt road grade crossing, crossovers at CP 87 (MP 8.7), where the 4MT reduce to 2MT, with one track still elevated, a dirt road grade crossing, and crossovers at CP 74 (MP 7.4), where the 2MT expand to 3MT, with  two of them CTC and the northernmost one Restricted Limits, with a road bridge overhead.

The line turns just south of due east, the huge Argentine Yard complex starts on the north side of the line (hence the Restricted Limits on the track on that side of the formation), there are dual road bridges overhead, the speed limit drops to 30 mph at the crossovers at Turner (CP 58, MP 5.8), past quad road bridges overhead, the on-line fuel rack on all the main tracks CP 56 (MP 5.6), a road bridge overhead, and CP 55 (MP 5.5), to Kansas City (Argentine) (MP 4.8) where the Argentine Shops are along the north side of the line. The shop complex ends at CP 40 (18th Street) (MP 4.0), where the speed limit rises to 45 mph. The 3MT reduce to 2MT, CTC, at the signal bridge at CP 39 (AY Tower) (MP 3.9), as the line curves from south of due east to east-northeast along the south bank of the Kansas River. There is a road bridge overhead, and the speed limit falls to 30 mph at CP35 (12th Street) (MP 3.5), a road alongside to the south, and dual road bridges overhead. The speed limit falls to 15 mph at the crossovers at Santa Fe Junction (MP 1.7), as the line ownership transfers to the Kansas City Terminal for the next six miles or so.

Both trains 3 and 4 take fuel at on-line fuel racks adjacent to the large freight yard at Argentine. For Train 4, this means that the fuel stop (20 minutes or so) comes before the train's arrival in Kansas City, and could be perceived as inappropriately placed if passengers are thereby unable to make connections to the morning eastbound train from Kansas City to St. Louis.