Leadville, Colorado and Southern

The single track, 20 mph, unsignaled line, once part of the narrow-gauge Denver, South Park, & Pacific, converted to standard gauge many years ago by then-owner Colorado & Southern, heads north-northeast from Leadville (MP 0.0), where there were once many spurs on the east side, and a Denver & Rio Grande narrow gauge line on the west side, turning east, curving around a mini counter-clockwise horseshoe to the northwest and then north-northeast again, along the side of the mountain with the valley to the west, past French Gulch Water tank (MP 9.1), curving just west of due north, then northeast, east, and around a counter-clockwise horseshoe to head west to Climax (MP 14.1).

The route curves along the hillside from the center of Leadville to within sight of the Molybdenum mine, through wonderful mountain scenery.